Computer Vision Examples for Unity

Computer Vision Examples is the next step in the evolution of depth sensor examples (incl. “Azure Kinect and Femto Bolt Examples”, “Kinect-v2 Examples”, etc.). Instead of a depth sensor though this asset uses a plain web camera or video recording as input, and AI models to provide depth estimation, body tracking and other streams. The…

Azure Kinect and Femto Bolt Examples for Unity

Azure Kinect Examples for Unity, v1.19.2 is a set of Azure Kinect and Femto Bolt camera examples that use several major scripts, grouped in one folder. The package contains over thirty five demo scenes. In addition to the Azure Kinect, Femto Bolt and Femto Mega sensors, the K4A-package supports the “classic” Kinect-v2 (aka Kinect for…

Kinect-v2 VR Examples

Kinect-v2 VR Examples is a set of Kinect-v2 (also known as ‘Kinect for Xbox One’) virtual reality examples. To run it, you need to download the ready-made build of KinectDataServer from the download section below. Alternatively, you can run or build the KinectDataServer scene by yourself, if you have the ‘Kinect v2 Examples’-package. This package…