How to Fight Hypertension

This is something I’d like to share from 1st point of view. 2019 has come to me with the news I have high blood pressure (HBP), also called hypertension. Although I’m still new to this topic, I prefer to share my experience here. I hope this info will be useful for others, suddenly surprised by…

Rate Cancer Treatments

As you probably know, the cancer is the curse of our time. Millions of people have fallen victims of this creepy disease worldwide. The traditional medical treatments are cruel enough and help only partially to prolong the life span of the patients. Many of them become physically handicapped or mentally injured. Chemo therapy helps destroying…

Dwarf Elder against Cancer (Bulgarian folk remedy)

General Information: Dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus) is a wild bush, growing as a weed in southern and central Europe and southwest Asia. All parts of the bush are used for medication, but for the syrup only the fruits (elderberries) must be used. Harvested in autumn – in low-lying areas from August to September, and in…

The Method of Shevchenko for Cancer Treatment

Here Is The Method: In a jar pour 30-40 ml of UNREFINED sunflower oil (other oils and fats are not allowed) and 30-40 ml of vodka. Prerequisite is its 40% strength. To check this, a set on fire a piece of fleece moistened with vodka. 40% vodka should be lit. If not lit, the product…