Computer Vision Examples for Unity

Computer Vision Examples is the next step in the evolution of depth sensor examples (incl. “Azure Kinect and Femto Bolt Examples”, “Kinect-v2 Examples”, etc.). Instead of a depth sensor though this asset uses a plain web camera or video recording as input, and AI models to provide depth estimation, body tracking and other streams. The…


The AI Tools I’m Using

AI is ubiquitous nowadays. It’s everywhere – in the news, articles, social media, blog & video posts, everywhere. Let’s not forget – what we see today is a result of the efforts of the technology talents, data and math scientists in the last 10 years. The current AI is not very intelligent yet, but in…

Azure Kinect Tips & Tricks

Well, I think it’s time to share some tips, tricks and examples regarding the K4A-asset, as well. This package, although similar to the K2-asset, has some features that significantly differ from the previous one. It supports multiple sensors in one scene and different types of depth sensors, as well. The configuration and detection of the…

Azure Kinect and Femto Bolt Examples for Unity

Azure Kinect Examples for Unity, v1.19.2 is a set of Azure Kinect and Femto Bolt camera examples that use several major scripts, grouped in one folder. The package contains over thirty five demo scenes. In addition to the Azure Kinect, Femto Bolt and Femto Mega sensors, the K4A-package supports the “classic” Kinect-v2 (aka Kinect for…

Multi-AR Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks regarding the ‘Multi-AR Examples’-asset. By publishing them here, it will be easier for me, to keep the AR-related knowledge base in one place. There are many tricky things to keep in mind in this area. And many more will come soon, because AR is a hot topic, and will…

Multi-AR Examples for AR-Core, AR-Kit and HoloLens

Multi-AR Examples provides an easy way to deal with the specifics of several AR platforms, and separate the platform-specific details from the scene development. Currently the Multi-AR Examples-package supports AR-Kit on iOS, AR-Core on Android, as well as HoloLens & Windows Mixed Reality on UWP. Support for more AR platforms may be added later. There…

Kinect-v2 VR Examples

Kinect-v2 VR Examples is a set of Kinect-v2 (also known as ‘Kinect for Xbox One’) virtual reality examples. To run it, you need to download the ready-made build of KinectDataServer from the download section below. Alternatively, you can run or build the KinectDataServer scene by yourself, if you have the ‘Kinect v2 Examples’-package. This package…

Cloud User Manager

Cloud User Manager is premium extension of the ‘Cloud Face Detection‘-package. It demonstrates simple to use face & emotion-detection, as well as user-management based on cloud face detection. You can reuse all components and scripts in your Unity projects. Apart from the face detection and user recognition, you can also find additional information about the users, like…

Cloud Face Detection

Cloud Face Detection contains two simple to follow and reuse face-detection demos. You may apply its components and functionality in your own Unity projects. Apart from the detection of user faces, you can also find additional information about the users, like their gender or age. This way you may tweak the game at run-time accordingly,…

Kinect MoCap Animator

Kinect MoCap Animator is a simple motion capturing tool that captures user motion from a body recording and saves it into a fbx animation clip. The recorded animation may be retargeted later to other humanoid models in your Unity projects, or edited with external tools like Autodesk’s ‘Maya’ or ‘3ds Max’. Please note, the MoCap…