Kinect to Playmaker

The most of the Kinect-actions for Playmaker, added to “Kinect with MS-SDK“- and “KinectExtras with MsSDK“-packages are based on the code of Kinect-to-Playmaker actions, created by Jonathan O’Duffy and Andrew Jones from the HITLab-Australia.These Playmaker actions are part of their project ‘Fantasy to Reality’. With this article I’d like to give all the credits and…

KinectExtras with MsSDK

KinectExtras with MsSDK is an extension of the Kinect with MS-SDK package. It provides additional examples and demos, based on Kinect SDK that are not directly related to transferring human motion onto digital characters. The package consists of Kinect Interaction demo presenting hand cursor control as well as hand grips and releases, Speech recognition example, Face-tracking example…

Kinect with MS-SDK

Kinect with MS-SDK is a set of Kinect v1 examples that uses several major scripts, grouped in one folder. It demonstrates how to use Kinect-controlled avatars, Kinect-detected gestures or other Kinect-related stuff in your own Unity projects. This asset uses the Kinect SDK/Runtime provided by Microsoft. For more Kinect v1-related examples, utilizing Kinect Interaction, Kinect Speech…