The Method of Shevchenko for Cancer Treatment

Here Is The Method: In a jar pour 30-40 ml of UNREFINED sunflower oil (other oils and fats are not allowed) and 30-40 ml of vodka. Prerequisite is its 40% strength. To check this, a set on fire a piece of fleece moistened with vodka. 40% vodka should be lit. If not lit, the product…

Internet – The Next Step

The Internet is everywhere nowadays. Mobile providers together with smartphone producers have put the World Wide Web through their mobile networks into the hands and pockets of everyone. Many hotels, shops and restaurants provide free WiFi for their clients. So, what should be the next step? As to me, the next big step should be…

Before the Equity Crowdfunding Foray Begins

Considering the recent developments with some over-estimated and under-delivering projects, funded generously on Kickstarter, two questions pop into my head: How will startups that need crowdfunding evaluate their concept- or prototype-stage products and tiny companies? Just look at the recent fiasco with the IPO of Facebook (and the respective wealth of Zuck) and you will…

Dalai Lama on Humanity

Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered: “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present, the result being that he does not live in…

On the Verge of New Industrial Revolution

I think crowdfunding has already started unleashing the potential of creative people, worldwide. And I mean crowdfunding in its current donation-and-reward-based form, not equity-and-profit based. Web platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo are the best accelerators nowadays. They spur the creativity and innovation of many many small entrepreneurs. Just look at some recent Kickstarter projects: “Multiplo…